by American Medical Association
This codebook provides the complete code set for diagnostic coding. All 21 chapters have been organized to provide quick and simple navigation of the text in order to facilitate accurate diagnostic coding.
Full Description:
This codebook provides the complete code set for diagnostic coding. All 21 chapters have been organized to provide quick and simple navigation of the text in order to facilitate accurate diagnostic coding.
Spiralbound, 8 1/2" x 11" pages 1300
ICD-10-CM 2016: The Complete Official Code Book presents the complete code set—21 chapters—within a tabular list of diseases and injuries.
This code book provides the complete code set for diagnostic coding. All 21 chapters have been organized to provide quick and simple navigation of the text in order to facilitate accurate diagnostic coding.
The ICD-10-CM code book contains indexes to diseases, injuries and external causes. Other valuable features include:
American Hospital Association's Coding Clinic for ICD-10-CM/PCS citations provide reference information regarding official ICD-10-CM/PCS coding advice that will enhance your understanding of specific codes
The inclusion of Following references in the index indicates the location of codes that fall out of sequence in the tabular list
The inclusion of Check Additional Character symbol in the index previously found only in the tabular list, alerts you to fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh character requirements
ICD-10-CM conventions and official guidelines educate you on appropriate and consistent coding
Color coding alerts you to additional character requirements, instructional notes, and Medicare Code Edits
Indexes to diseases and injuries and to external causes make navigation of the code set quicker
Table of Drugs and Chemicals provides an easy-to-read list of substances and the codes they relate to when it comes to poisoning, adverse effects, and underdosing
Neoplasm Table aids in the accurate coding of neoplasms by anatomical site and nature or the neoplasm